Last night, our monthly
PUG meeting was held at the
Handlery Hotel because we were graced with the opportunity to hear
Jasmine Star speak about her theory behind branding (along with other topics). First, Jasmine is absolutely awesome. I love the way that it wasn't about just getting the information out to so many photographers, but rather to personally connect with so many. For those of you who may not know Jasmine is one of the hottest photographers around right now. She is doing several events right now like the "
Free to Succeed tour" with
David Jay. How great is that!!! The few photographers that I really admire are Jasmine Star, David Jay, and last but certainly not least,
Becker. I admire these photographers because of their work and their efforts to help other photographers continue to succeed at what they do.
So, what I have taken from hearing from Jasmine speak last night is that I need to really start getting my brand together. This is something that has been neglected on my end. Last night gave me the kick in the pants that was needed to get the ball rolling. Starting today I am going to start putting it together.
I want to also send out a special thanks to
Jeff & Erin Youngren for putting this together.